contact lensesIf you are heading to college and want to improve your vision without wearing glasses, visit our clinic for contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses is a convenient way to improve vision without drastically altering your appearance at the same time. We do offer a variety of glasses that are incredibly stylish but for some people, this is still an inconvenience.

The process

After all, with glasses, there can be challenges when being very active and doing things like going for a run or even working out at the gym. Wearing contacts makes it far easier to move freely without worrying about vision.

For many college students, levels of high activity are a daily occurrence. This is especially true for anyone involved in college athletics. Rather than wearing sports glasses, many opt to simply get contacts. There are a few steps for acquiring contacts, including:

#1. The examination

A contact lens exam is more detailed than an exam for eyeglasses since we need to test a patient's vision and the curvature of the eye. This is necessary to ensure that the contacts will fit snugly and securely. Otherwise, there can be some challenges, which are something we prevent by taking careful measurements. We will also be testing to make sure that a patient's eyes produce enough natural tears that the contacts are unlikely to dry out.

#2. Decision time

Each patient must decide the type of contacts that they want to wear, with a wide variety to choose from. Where in the past, there were hard or soft contacts, now there are extended wear, daily wear, and more. There are so many choices that each patient can select the contacts that will work best for their lifestyle.

For example, people can wear contacts for 24 hours a day, replacing them every couple of days or even every week. Other people prefer to have contacts that one can keep in for months at a time, instead of having multiple pairs. However, the person will need to take the lenses out and soak them nightly. The options are vast and we will explain all the details during the appointment.

#3. Consider appearance

There are fun ways to wear contact lenses as well. Some patients prefer to get colored contact lenses that turn their brown eyes to a lovely shade of lavender or their green eyes to a bright and beautiful blue, etc. This allows patients to change the color of their eyes just like they change the color of their shoes.

Caring for contacts

When wearing contact lenses, it is important to take steps to protect the eye and the lenses themselves. We encourage patients to always wear sunglasses when outside so that harmful UV rays can not impact the eyes or vision. We also want patients to be careful to keep their eyes moist. Contact lenses can cause harm to the cornea by scratching it if they dry out.

Carrying a bottle of eye drops is wise since it can prevent this from happening. Simply use them every time that the contacts begin to feel dry, or there is a need to blink constantly. When handling contacts it is important to have hands that are completely clean and free of any type of lint or hair since they can easily attach to the lens.

Each type of contact lenses will come with its own care instructions so it is important to follow those as well.

Improve your vision before starting college

To improve your vision and do so using contacts, call and schedule an exam today.