There are many magnifiers and several different types. It is crucial that various magnifiers are evaluated during a Low vision evaluation for several reasons.

  1. Magnifiers are tools to be used to accomplish different activities or tasks. More than one magnifier may be required to address the activities or tasks for patients.
  2. Knowing the various magnifiers that are available and then making a decision with your Low vision doctor will allow you to make an informed decision.
  3. Even if your vision is not at the point where you require a magnifier for a specific activity, having knowledge of the devices available will allow you an easier transition in case of progressive vision loss such as glaucoma, macula degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.

Now, onto the magnifiers… there are:

  1. Non-illuminated
    • Not as common today
    • One great device are Dome magnifiers

      Dome magnifier. Excellent device for reading books, textbooks, other reading materials with a bookspine

      Dome magnifier. Excellent device for reading books, textbooks, other reading materials with a bookspine

  2. Illuminated
    • The use of LEDs has been a huge help!
    • Energy efficient and Bright!

      Handheld magnifiers are the most popular low vision aids. Great portability and weight. A must for most patients!

      Handheld magnifiers are the most popular low vision aids. Great portability and weight. A must for most patients!


  1. Stationary / Desktop
    • Benefit of having a large reading surface
    • Disadvantage of being bigger, heavier

      Magnifiers for activities, hobbies and tasks. #crosswordmagnifier

      Stand magnifier specifically for writing tasks that require magnification: crosswords, signing checks, completing documents. #crosswordmagnifier

To read more: see the Orlando Low Vision post